History on RHD Boxer 20825. UK delivered in green, then to N

History on RHD Boxer 20825. UK delivered in green, then to N


Fessia fancier

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186 months

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This is a long title but basically I've just bought the above 512BB. It is in very nice condition, was restored by a good specialist, and has good history. More details and photos are here.


It was fully restored on return to the UK in 2014 and I have excellent documentation in terms of service history since then.

It was first registered in England in 1977, i think the sixth or seventh RHD 512BB. At the time it was Verde Medio and I think (with help from a very kind member here) the registration was BFC572R. At a later date it seemed to be registered GW208. So I'm posting on the off-chance anyone knows anything more about it before the re-import in 2014.

I know when it came back from Japan it was already red/black and had a Lamborghini bull badge on the back.....

I've also posted on FChat

Many thanks.


10,007 posts

195 months

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1,412 posts

214 months

Congratulations! A stunning BB. I watch these when they come up for auction as the prices tend to be far more realistic than the crazy dealer prices.

Would love to hear your driving impressions and any other thoughts on ownership. A BB or Testarossa are sitting at the top of my list for my next car, just need to rearrange my existing garage before taking the plunge.

A BB seems a rarer and more special Ferrari however, I keep hearing that the TR drives better. I suspect this is more down to condition and maintenance history than anything else.

I spoke to Mike Wheeler at Rardley Ferrari recently and he knew one of the recently auctioned cars. Don't think it was this one but he might be worth a call as the BB world is very small

Fessia fancier

Original Poster:

1,041 posts

186 months

Thanks. It is always difficult to know what a fair price is as there is small supply and demand, and condition varies quite a bit. It is also costly to improve/restore so my thinking is the good cars should be worth paying extra for at least to some extent.
I have only done a couple of hundred miles and about 80 were on the M25 so early to tell but I will post my driving impressions up when I have used it a bit more.
The Testarossa is always a good useable car with the right exhaust. Anyhow will update when I have better impressions.

Edited to mention the title got cut short. It went to NZ then Japan then back to England.

Edited by Fessia fancier on Monday 8th July 07:53