360 ppi Sussex /Kent border

360 ppi Sussex /Kent border



Original Poster:

898 posts

182 months

Yesterday (08:13)
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Hi all I've located a potential car but before I go charging in I'd like to get a ppi. Couple of points the dealer looks ok on paper although it's not a specialist and so my question is this.

1 How do you go about a ppi as the dealer obviously won't want to let the car off site and surely it needs a ramp for a properly detailed ppi? Are Mobile ppis worth considering? if so who as the car is based on the Kent Sussex border


358 posts

178 months

Yesterday (08:59)
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Talk to AV Engineering, it won't be so far from Aldous' place so maybe he would drop by for a fee. He might recommend other cars to look at as well. I strongly recommend his work.


3,572 posts

210 months

Yesterday (15:45)
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Aldous looked after my car from 2020-2023 for the previous owner and myself, did a lot of work, I got it last year in May, had a money no spared expense and after looking at so many and just getting fedup I reached out to Aldous.

My car was in his care and the owner was contemplating selling, so when Aldous put us both in touch it was an easy process and I actually bought the car unseen as trusted in Aldous judgement and the fact Aldous had spent around the 15k of the previous owners money in getting it perfect.

Moderator edit: no advertising


4,109 posts

127 months

Yesterday (17:26)
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Another vote for AV Engineering, there's a decent chance they may know the car.