Matt Bird's Profile

Matt Bird's car

Matt Bird

London, United Kingdom

Member Information

Matt Bird
Member Since
3rd March 2007
Total Posts
PH Deputy Editor


Author bio:

You remember that bit in ER where Dr Green leaves for the last time and tells Carter that he sets the tone? That's Matt Bird at PH.

Yes, he is Deputy Editor and very obviously the engine room of the content producing department. But he also sets the tone for all that is good about PH: enthusiastic, optimistic, deeply knowledgeable, quick to laugh and slow to complain, he brings it everyday. And has done for the past 8 years.

Which means that he's also a veteran, despite owning the face of a 12 year-old. We don't like to go a day without reading something he's written - and neither should you.

Member information
Nickname Matt Bird Matt Bird's car
Name Matt Bird
Member Since 3rd March 2007
Total Posts 1,456
Occupation PH Deputy Editor 
Region London 
Country United Kingdom 
My Website
Author bio:

You remember that bit in ER where Dr Green leaves for the last time and tells Carter that he sets the tone? That's Matt Bird at PH.

Yes, he is Deputy Editor and very obviously the engine room of the content producing department. But he also sets the tone for all that is good about PH: enthusiastic, optimistic, deeply knowledgeable, quick to laugh and slow to complain, he brings it everyday. And has done for the past 8 years.

Which means that he's also a veteran, despite owning the face of a 12 year-old. We don't like to go a day without reading something he's written - and neither should you.