Guidelines for Dealer Pricing and Marketing on PistonHeads

June 28, 2024

All prices displayed for vehicles on the website and mobile and other applications, products and services (the "Site") must be full cash prices available to any shopper. Prices cannot be conditional in any way; they must not require dealer-sponsored financing, or other large or non-customary fees. If a dealership wishes to include incentives in its pricing, those must be incentives for which any shopper is eligible. Lastly, the pricing must comply with both the letter and the spirit of all applicable laws, rules and regulations applicable to that dealership.

If a dealer's prices do not meet these guidelines, all pricing information will be removed from the Site as soon as PistonHeads becomes so aware and the dealership will be provided with prompt notice via email and the opportunity to fix the pricing so that it complies with these guidelines and can be added back to the Site. Please note that PistonHeads may base its analysis of whether a dealer meets the above guidelines on the dealer's price display on the Site and the dealer's own website and on feedback from Site users relating to the dealer.

Examples of pricing problems:

  • Prices that require dealer financing.

  • Unreasonably large dealer admin fees, as determined by PistonHeads in its sole discretion, based on PistonHeads' understanding of industry standards and/or trends.

  • Prices that include incentives that most shoppers can't receive.

  • Prices that are only estimated monthly payments.

PistonHeads may exclude or remove from the Site embedded contact information in images, often know as "Watermarking", if PistonHeads determines in its sole discretion that such information is embedded with the intent of circumventing the PistonHeads lead routing process.

Each vehicle listing must accurately reflect the make, model, year, variant, vehicle registration number, options and other features of a vehicle currently available for sale. The listed vehicle must be in the dealer's possession and available for purchase, and the dealer must have the right and ability to transfer ownership of said vehicle. Selling new car build slots for cars not in the dealer's possession is not allowed. If PistonHeads determines or learns that a dealership is posting inaccurate listings, those listings and/or that dealership's entire stock may be removed from the Site.

Auction listings must be correctly selected as an auction during the listing process, so that the correct "AUCTION" price flag is associated with the listing. The date and location of the auction should be clearly stated within the description of the listing.

“Wanted” listings are not allowed on PistonHeads, other than in the dedicated Wanted model categories. If you would like to use PistonHeads to source stock, please contact your account representative to discuss our advertising solutions. Cars that have been sold should be removed from the Site within a reasonable timeframe, and should not be left on the Site in an attempt to gather more leads or acquire new stock. Vehicle listings must be unique to each car and dealers must not re-use a single listing to advertise multiple cars for sale.

PistonHeads reserves the right (but assumes no obligation) to delete, move, condense or edit any content on the Site that comes to PistonHeads' attention and that PistonHeads considers unacceptable or inappropriate, whether for legal or other reasons.