Lets look at our guitars thread
Only got this acoustic at the moment - made by Oakwood Instruments as a show guitar (a demonstration of their skills with wood and sound etc...). Bear claw spruce top with Quilted Maple back and sides, Ebony fretboard with Burgbinga bindings - Grover MHeads.
Had it for 5 years now - one guitar I'll never sell.
Plays even better than she looks - I used to play alot in folk sessions and wanted something that would cut through - she does that and more. One of those guitars that when you hit a chord the harmonics get more complex and rich rather than diminish.

Sold all my electrics before I came out to Dubai.
I feel a LP 59 Reissue is on the cards very soon thansk to a deal I can get through a mate here.
Had it for 5 years now - one guitar I'll never sell.
Plays even better than she looks - I used to play alot in folk sessions and wanted something that would cut through - she does that and more. One of those guitars that when you hit a chord the harmonics get more complex and rich rather than diminish.

Sold all my electrics before I came out to Dubai.
I feel a LP 59 Reissue is on the cards very soon thansk to a deal I can get through a mate here.
Edited by Asterix on Sunday 17th February 13:54
A few from me....
Epiphone LP Studio. Used to have a cheap Hohner LP which I lost through a few house moves. This one's the latest addition, had it a few months and loving the tone. Think I'll swap the pickups out soon though, just not quite hot enough

Ibanez G10. Fancied something that would pull off weird Vai like moves without creaking and groaning, this was just the thing. Soon to be upgraded to a Jem if I have the cash

Next, the reason for the Ibanez - a Squire Stagemaster. Times were hard a few years ago, I'd sold all my kit and fancied an all rounder. This was the closest I could get to it. Bridge pickup is something else, even low it'll quite happily feedback but has really good tone with a bit of chorus

Lastly, the relic Strat. Bought in '84 and aged really nicely. Had a rewire not too long ago and will need some fretwork soon, but plays so well for a Jap

Also have a really really old Epiphone acoustic from the early 80's, but I need to give it a clean before it's picturable
Electrics run through a Boss GT6 and a Laney Linebacker with a Dunlop Wah
Epiphone LP Studio. Used to have a cheap Hohner LP which I lost through a few house moves. This one's the latest addition, had it a few months and loving the tone. Think I'll swap the pickups out soon though, just not quite hot enough

Ibanez G10. Fancied something that would pull off weird Vai like moves without creaking and groaning, this was just the thing. Soon to be upgraded to a Jem if I have the cash

Next, the reason for the Ibanez - a Squire Stagemaster. Times were hard a few years ago, I'd sold all my kit and fancied an all rounder. This was the closest I could get to it. Bridge pickup is something else, even low it'll quite happily feedback but has really good tone with a bit of chorus

Lastly, the relic Strat. Bought in '84 and aged really nicely. Had a rewire not too long ago and will need some fretwork soon, but plays so well for a Jap

Also have a really really old Epiphone acoustic from the early 80's, but I need to give it a clean before it's picturable
Electrics run through a Boss GT6 and a Laney Linebacker with a Dunlop Wah
Here is my little catalogue of beauties -

My favourite of the bunch
as it was my first proper electric guitar and I had some fun times with this axe in my younger days when playing in thrash/death metal bands. The electrics are a bit hit and miss nowadays so perhaps needs a good overhaul (and i do have the missing knob). The one i will never ever sell.

Always loved the Peavey Vandenberg when i was younger - almost got one instead of the Charvel, but when i notices the V type was being made again, at a great price, i could not resist. This is an excellent guitar. (in the background on the left is my old and battered Kay guitar - my very first electric guitar which really got me into playing)

What can i say? Pure and solid metal, in looks and sound

All time classic, has a lovely fat sound. Used this in band work too, and for recording

Bought this because i was curious. It's OK if a little weedy in sound for my style of playing, but sounds nice and full when played acoustically. Very easy to play - would be idealy for beginners

My latest addition, for those mellow evenings - a nice Raimundo classical

I started to do some home recording a few years ago, so needed a Bass guitar. This Ltd does the trick.

For my more acoustic moments. This is a decent acoustic guitar, which came highly recommended to me at the time (about 8 years ago now)

My favourite of the bunch

Always loved the Peavey Vandenberg when i was younger - almost got one instead of the Charvel, but when i notices the V type was being made again, at a great price, i could not resist. This is an excellent guitar. (in the background on the left is my old and battered Kay guitar - my very first electric guitar which really got me into playing)

What can i say? Pure and solid metal, in looks and sound

All time classic, has a lovely fat sound. Used this in band work too, and for recording

Bought this because i was curious. It's OK if a little weedy in sound for my style of playing, but sounds nice and full when played acoustically. Very easy to play - would be idealy for beginners

My latest addition, for those mellow evenings - a nice Raimundo classical

I started to do some home recording a few years ago, so needed a Bass guitar. This Ltd does the trick.

For my more acoustic moments. This is a decent acoustic guitar, which came highly recommended to me at the time (about 8 years ago now)
Edited by gbbird on Saturday 23 February 17:17
Here's my next purchase - a 59 reissue - faded tabacco - should be ordering next month.
Finaly convinced the missus that while its quite pricey - it will hold its value (not that I'll ever sell it

And a piccy of my playing at Barrowlands back in the day with my first Les Paul - Studio. by then it was my back up guitar but also had the action set high for slide work.

Finaly convinced the missus that while its quite pricey - it will hold its value (not that I'll ever sell it

And a piccy of my playing at Barrowlands back in the day with my first Les Paul - Studio. by then it was my back up guitar but also had the action set high for slide work.

My next (and final) guitar will be a Gibson Les Paul, but is has to be transclucent blue (imagine sunburst only blue) but they seem to be quite difficult to find. Any pointers as to where i can get one. Saw one once in the local music shop and loved it. Wish i had bought it there and then.
First guitar was a Squier Strat in red... electrics are a bit knackered now though, need an overhaul. (well, first guitar was an old classical which my Mum borrowed for me... I still have it, 8 years later...)
Next was an Epi SG, which sounds phenomenal but the action/intonation/tuners/truss rod are tempremental as hell, so I dont use that one much any more.
Then came a Danelectro U1, bought because I fancied something different, and it sounded great... but for some stupid reason I sold it
to my ex mates bro. Who I know for a fact doesnt really look after it and hardly plays it. *rolleyes* I regret selling it, big time. Was a bargain too.
Then (my current main guitar) an ESP EC200QM, with EMG HZ passive p/ups... which sounds fantastic, but I cant help but think it'd benefit from a better amp.
My electro acc is a Stagg (cheap and nasty Ovation clone) and the neck is surprisingly good, but thats about its only redeeming feature.
Whole lot goes through a Zoom 505II, Marshall Supervibe Chorus, Danelectro pepperoni phaser and a Zoom RFX1000 into a Line 6 Spider with FB4. I also have an EMA flanger and a Boss DS1 which I dont use.
I stopped playing as much for a while and I am slowly starting to get back into it, and I want to add another amp, and a couple more stompboxes. Possibly a nice Tele as well, but not sure yet. Will post some pics when I get some uploaded. I also want to get into home recording (been meaning to for years, you know how it is...
Next was an Epi SG, which sounds phenomenal but the action/intonation/tuners/truss rod are tempremental as hell, so I dont use that one much any more.
Then came a Danelectro U1, bought because I fancied something different, and it sounded great... but for some stupid reason I sold it

Then (my current main guitar) an ESP EC200QM, with EMG HZ passive p/ups... which sounds fantastic, but I cant help but think it'd benefit from a better amp.
My electro acc is a Stagg (cheap and nasty Ovation clone) and the neck is surprisingly good, but thats about its only redeeming feature.
Whole lot goes through a Zoom 505II, Marshall Supervibe Chorus, Danelectro pepperoni phaser and a Zoom RFX1000 into a Line 6 Spider with FB4. I also have an EMA flanger and a Boss DS1 which I dont use.
I stopped playing as much for a while and I am slowly starting to get back into it, and I want to add another amp, and a couple more stompboxes. Possibly a nice Tele as well, but not sure yet. Will post some pics when I get some uploaded. I also want to get into home recording (been meaning to for years, you know how it is...

wasted years said:
just1 said:
Ibanez JS1200 CA
Nice - shame it only comes in candy apple 
The Candy apple colour does grow on you and i quite like it, given the choice would go for a white Js1000 or if my Lottery numbers came up a chromeboy.
sorry its taken me a little while to add pics here, but heres my Squier Tele Repro,

not the prettiest example, but i've had it for quite some time and the things been played quite a bit through my various guitar phases!
the back pickup could do with some attention (fallen off its springs) and when i was playing it a little while ago the bottom string snapped which i haven't got round to sorting out yet...
TBH i've been seriously thinking of selling it on recently, i don't play it half as much as i used to and since seeing a few really smart Rickenbacker 4000 series basses pass through my local music shop recently my interest in bass has resurfaced again which i would like to do properly now
good little starter instruments these are IMO, not as comfortable to play as a Strat, but its versatile, can take being played hard and they can sund pretty good through a good amp too (i used to have a Peavey Rage 660 to go with this)
an all time classic guitar shape too as well IMO

not the prettiest example, but i've had it for quite some time and the things been played quite a bit through my various guitar phases!
the back pickup could do with some attention (fallen off its springs) and when i was playing it a little while ago the bottom string snapped which i haven't got round to sorting out yet...
TBH i've been seriously thinking of selling it on recently, i don't play it half as much as i used to and since seeing a few really smart Rickenbacker 4000 series basses pass through my local music shop recently my interest in bass has resurfaced again which i would like to do properly now
good little starter instruments these are IMO, not as comfortable to play as a Strat, but its versatile, can take being played hard and they can sund pretty good through a good amp too (i used to have a Peavey Rage 660 to go with this)
an all time classic guitar shape too as well IMO
Edited by Forthright MC on Friday 23 May 22:44
My brother has a Gibson Les Paul Custom II, I will be hanged if I take it out the box without permission and my parents would ask serious questions if I was to take a photo of it. They'd think I am selling it on ebay etc. He is coming up to 30 now, he got it as a 21st birthday present from the parents.
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