Started watching Mat armstrong on YouTube. Lad from my city who buys crash damage cars and documents the build to get them back on the road. Currently over in America working on a GT3...
Quite a good watch
Quite a good watch
He cropped up on my YT what with the algorithms having done their thing and yeah, agree with everyone in that I like the guy. Instantly likeable, doesn't appear arrogant at all and just appears to enjoy what he's doing, subbed straight away.
He's also one brave f
ker, I know that's what it takes in the YT world to get the views, likes and subs to boost your channel but he's taking on some big stuff for a guy who's learning as he goes....
He's also one brave f

Doofus said:
RZ1 said:
I started to watch his bmw 635csi videos but they have not been updated on a while
I suspect he quickly found that car restoration and accident repair are not the same thing. 
Doofus said:
RZ1 said:
I started to watch his bmw 635csi videos but they have not been updated on a while
I suspect he quickly found that car restoration and accident repair are not the same thing. 
He'll have a lot of money tied up in those projects, so it's logical that they get priority.
Muzzer79 said:
To be fair to him, I get the impression that opportunities came along with the Murcielago and Porsche in particular, that he had to take there and then.
He'll have a lot of money tied up in those projects, so it's logical that they get priority.
Really, over 1 million views per video and lots of sponsors, doubt he has much money tied up. He'll have a lot of money tied up in those projects, so it's logical that they get priority.
wpa1975 said:
Really, over 1 million views per video and lots of sponsors, doubt he has much money tied up.
I think he said that the Murcielago was around £100k to buy. He's then had to spend on the rebuild.The Porsche was over $200k. Plus he must have dropped at least $75k in travel and parts so far.
The M5 was about £40k and he's spent around £10k on it.
So he has, conservatively, around 400 grand in the three main projects he has on the go. That's a lot of money tied up.
YouTuber or not, he'll be wanting to liquidate some of that before getting deep into something else.
Besides, he has a fairly small team. Three projects on the go is enough for them I suspect.
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