Stories of strange selling experiences
This ones going to be different for people who are in the trade, and those who aren't, but thought it was worth a mention.
Anyone had any really odd experiences when selling? I'm pretty boring when it comes to buying - I see something, make an arrangement to arrive, I turn up and then check for the common issues. I'm not really a fan of the "Mike Brewer" approach, and prefer to get a fair deal for both myself and the buyer, treat people like you like to be treated, kind of thing.
I do think people take advantage of a "nicer" person though - I've had some really bad experiences in the past, where it seemed quite obvious that someone had bought the car with the intent of pretending things had happened post sale, in order to try and extort money later (car was of shed value). This involved fake phone calls from the police and all sorts, it was just as weird as it sounds!
That was a few years ago, but has anyone had any strange experiences, buyer's remorse etc?
Anyone had any really odd experiences when selling? I'm pretty boring when it comes to buying - I see something, make an arrangement to arrive, I turn up and then check for the common issues. I'm not really a fan of the "Mike Brewer" approach, and prefer to get a fair deal for both myself and the buyer, treat people like you like to be treated, kind of thing.
I do think people take advantage of a "nicer" person though - I've had some really bad experiences in the past, where it seemed quite obvious that someone had bought the car with the intent of pretending things had happened post sale, in order to try and extort money later (car was of shed value). This involved fake phone calls from the police and all sorts, it was just as weird as it sounds!
That was a few years ago, but has anyone had any strange experiences, buyer's remorse etc?
A guy arranged to cone and see my car. I told him someone else was coming and if it was sold I would text him.
The other guy bought it so I text the guy to say it is sold.
About 2. hours later get a knock at the door.
In full business suit and a bike he explained his mobile battery had died and he had got the wrong stop on the train, so had cycled 20 miles to my house.
I did give him a lift back to the train station thou. Felt pretty bad for him as he looked genuine and was buying for his family member.
The other guy bought it so I text the guy to say it is sold.
About 2. hours later get a knock at the door.
In full business suit and a bike he explained his mobile battery had died and he had got the wrong stop on the train, so had cycled 20 miles to my house.
I did give him a lift back to the train station thou. Felt pretty bad for him as he looked genuine and was buying for his family member.
Edited by The Spruce goose on Monday 12th December 21:22
The Spruce goose said:
A guy arranged to cone and see my car. I told him someone else was coming and if it was sold I would text him.
The other guy bought it so I text the guy to say it is sold.
About 2. hours later get a knock at the door.
In full business suit and a bike he explained his mobile battery had died and he had got the wrong stop on the train, so had cyclyed 20 miles to my house.
I did give him a lift back to the train station thou. Feltbpretty bad for him as he looked genuine and was buying for his family member.
The other guy bought it so I text the guy to say it is sold.
About 2. hours later get a knock at the door.
In full business suit and a bike he explained his mobile battery had died and he had got the wrong stop on the train, so had cyclyed 20 miles to my house.
I did give him a lift back to the train station thou. Feltbpretty bad for him as he looked genuine and was buying for his family member.

Poor bloke
I always try and make sure that someone won't plan a long trip if someone else is viewing, but it doesn't exactly work and I've waited in all day for people to never turn up before.
The Spruce goose said:
I never asked how far he lived away just thought it was a local guy.
I did feel pretty crap about it, as I am a honest seller usually sell cheaper than others.
Thinking about that, a fair while back I sold my car when I was living near Chester (which was the nearest station). I'd sold it on an eBay auction (with the correct location), and it didn't sell for much.I did feel pretty crap about it, as I am a honest seller usually sell cheaper than others.
I waited for the buyer to turn up and time was ticking on - he rang me and said "I've got off the train, where are you?". I was sat outside the station, so asked him to describe his surroundings, which were nothing like where I was. He'd got off at a station called "Chester Road", which was supposed to be near the midlands somewhere. Several hours later he turned up and left happily, but it sounded like a stitch up for a while.
bobtail4x4 said:
I sold some wheels, as I was going south the following weekend I offered to meet him,
we arranged to meet at Watford gap services,
I waited for a couple of hours, ringing the guys mum, it turned out he left London, got to Watford, and stopped at the first service station.
we arranged to meet at Watford gap services,
I waited for a couple of hours, ringing the guys mum, it turned out he left London, got to Watford, and stopped at the first service station.

I think I know where the gap was!
I've had 2 turn up after 9pm to view a car.
First was a Romanian chap who drove from the midlands to Romford, viewed the car by the light of a dim torch before I took him on a brief run, as he didn't have insurance. He came back with the cash a few days later, grumpy looking wife in tow. As far as I know, the car went to Romania, although it doesn't look like the DVLA know that.
Second was a young lad who was a VW technician, came halfway across the country on a horrible stormy night to view a Golf with injector trouble and no MOT. It had taken them over 3 hours to get there in a friend's car, with a sullen looking girlfriend in the back. He gave me the cash, slapped some trade plates on it and disappeared in a cloud of grey smoke. Spotted the car on eBay about a year later, for 2.5x what he bought it for. Fair play for fixing it up.
First was a Romanian chap who drove from the midlands to Romford, viewed the car by the light of a dim torch before I took him on a brief run, as he didn't have insurance. He came back with the cash a few days later, grumpy looking wife in tow. As far as I know, the car went to Romania, although it doesn't look like the DVLA know that.
Second was a young lad who was a VW technician, came halfway across the country on a horrible stormy night to view a Golf with injector trouble and no MOT. It had taken them over 3 hours to get there in a friend's car, with a sullen looking girlfriend in the back. He gave me the cash, slapped some trade plates on it and disappeared in a cloud of grey smoke. Spotted the car on eBay about a year later, for 2.5x what he bought it for. Fair play for fixing it up.
Got a call from a Chinese guy who was, apparently, at Uni in Coventry. It was early Jan, already dark, and there was a good amount of snow - to the extent that once I knew he was on his way I had to go out with a shovel and brush to remove it all from the car. I tried discouraging him but he was insistent.
It was a very sheddy 106 diesel so I went out with a torch and showed him every dent and issue with the bodywork. He didn't quibble, gave me the full asking in cash, and drove off into the night.
An hour later he phones to say he wants to come back with it. He's got it under some forecourt lights and it's written off! Now, it was sheddy, but not written off!
I smelt a rat and told him there was no way he was bringing it back as he'd had it long enough to crash it already. He never did come back, thankfully, but I spent the rest of that night on edge!
Our eldest was only a few months old back then. I jacked in the trading for pocket money I'd been doing after that as the whole thing freaked me out!
It was a very sheddy 106 diesel so I went out with a torch and showed him every dent and issue with the bodywork. He didn't quibble, gave me the full asking in cash, and drove off into the night.
An hour later he phones to say he wants to come back with it. He's got it under some forecourt lights and it's written off! Now, it was sheddy, but not written off!
I smelt a rat and told him there was no way he was bringing it back as he'd had it long enough to crash it already. He never did come back, thankfully, but I spent the rest of that night on edge!
Our eldest was only a few months old back then. I jacked in the trading for pocket money I'd been doing after that as the whole thing freaked me out!
I sold a car dead cheap as it had an issue. I had dozens of callers but didn't agree a sale over the phone with anybody as somebody had booked to actually view it. Most people were fine with this stance and I told them I'd let them know if it didn't sell and I'd go down the line of potential buyers in order of when they enquirer. Anyway, this wasn't enough for one couple who had emailed about the car. I let on that the first viewing was at 18.00.
Now, when I arrived back home at 17.30 the first person in line was waiting and I showed her and her husband the car. They looked keen and it was obvious they were going to take it. Down the road comes a beater of a Hyundai Accent carrying one of the people who had contacted me about the car and had been told to wait till after the viewing. Why followed was like a reverse mugging with them trying to force money into my pocket and her other half trying to intimidate the buyer away. I wouldn't have sold that couple the car even if the first didn't want it after that.
Now, when I arrived back home at 17.30 the first person in line was waiting and I showed her and her husband the car. They looked keen and it was obvious they were going to take it. Down the road comes a beater of a Hyundai Accent carrying one of the people who had contacted me about the car and had been told to wait till after the viewing. Why followed was like a reverse mugging with them trying to force money into my pocket and her other half trying to intimidate the buyer away. I wouldn't have sold that couple the car even if the first didn't want it after that.
PistonBroker said:
Our eldest was only a few months old back then. I jacked in the trading for pocket money I'd been doing after that as the whole thing freaked me out!
Some people are just weird.I've sold cars privately before now to people who expected an aftercare service similar to Lamborghini - for a car less than £4k.
I find it really hard to judge sometimes the really odd people from the con artists.
I advertised a small car trailer on Gumtree, a nice eastern European guy turned up, took a quick look, handed me the full price. I gave back a note. Everybody's happy.
A couple of hours later I got a call from a local guy looking to buy it.
"Sorry, it's sold"
"It's away is it?"
"Yes, a fellah came a couple of hours ago and took it."
"Where was he from?"
"I don't know, he was only here a minute or two, and took it."
"Did he pay the full price for it?'
"I don't think that's any of your business!"
(Sounding offended)"What?"
"I said I don't think that's any of your business!" (I hang up)
He rings me back.
I don't answer.
He texts me "p
s off"
A couple of hours later I got a call from a local guy looking to buy it.
"Sorry, it's sold"
"It's away is it?"
"Yes, a fellah came a couple of hours ago and took it."
"Where was he from?"
"I don't know, he was only here a minute or two, and took it."
"Did he pay the full price for it?'
"I don't think that's any of your business!"
(Sounding offended)"What?"
"I said I don't think that's any of your business!" (I hang up)
He rings me back.
I don't answer.
He texts me "p

Gosh, so many.
Selling an £800 motorbike on ebay and someone texts me offering me a pit-bull puppy. I reply thanks but no thanks.
He texts back telling me it's a great dog and if I train it right it will be worth up to £4000 as an adult.
I text back again; thanks but I really don't need a dog, if it's going to be worth so much why don't you train it yourself?
He texts back; he's keeping one from the litter but he's got 5 to sell and it really is an amazing dog, well worth the £800 I want for the bike.
I text back again; thanks but no thanks, I really don't want a dog, I wouldn't know how to train it, I'm just looking for cash.
He then phones me and starts threatening me; who the f
k am I dissing his dog, don't I know who I'm dealing with, he's going to come round and put my windows in, stab me in the face, set my s
tty motorbike on fire, f
k my mother etc.
I delete the advert...
Sold a different pocket-money bike to a charming German couple. Both students studying law in Glasgow, he's a police officer, she's training to be a lawyer, he has a bike, she wants one so they can tour Scotland over the summer before they go home.
Price is agreed, they count out the money in front of me and give it to me, I count it again and put it in my pocket before we do the V5.
The money goes in a wooden box in my dining room overnight (nice and easy to find if anyone ever wants to rob me) and I take it to the bank the next day.
"Can I put £1000 into my account please?"
"Certainly sir."
Teller counts money in front of me.
"How much did you say sir?"
"I'm sorry sir, you've only given me £900."
"I think you'll find I actually gave you £1000." (Imagine full-on condescending manner here). "Why don't you count it again?"
Teller re-counts money in front of me and I notice she only counts £100 nine times.
"I'm sorry sir, it's definitely only £900, would you like to count it again yourself?"
"No, no, you're quite right, I just remembered I gave someone else £100 this morning..."
Absolutely no idea where the other £100 went; Mrs215 swears she didn't touch it, I certainly didn't give anyone else the missing £100 and I even counted it myself before putting it in my pocket; no way could they have done any kind of hoodwink-type-switcheroo on me!
Curiously, about three months later I saw the same bike advertised again on gumtree and sent a quick email asking how they had got on.
She replied with a gushing email about what a great time they had had, how the bike had run faultlessly but someone had pushed it over one night and damaged the fairings, but they were hoping to come back to Scotland again sometime.
There was just no way I could ask her about the other £100!
Selling an £800 motorbike on ebay and someone texts me offering me a pit-bull puppy. I reply thanks but no thanks.
He texts back telling me it's a great dog and if I train it right it will be worth up to £4000 as an adult.
I text back again; thanks but I really don't need a dog, if it's going to be worth so much why don't you train it yourself?
He texts back; he's keeping one from the litter but he's got 5 to sell and it really is an amazing dog, well worth the £800 I want for the bike.
I text back again; thanks but no thanks, I really don't want a dog, I wouldn't know how to train it, I'm just looking for cash.
He then phones me and starts threatening me; who the f

I delete the advert...
Sold a different pocket-money bike to a charming German couple. Both students studying law in Glasgow, he's a police officer, she's training to be a lawyer, he has a bike, she wants one so they can tour Scotland over the summer before they go home.
Price is agreed, they count out the money in front of me and give it to me, I count it again and put it in my pocket before we do the V5.
The money goes in a wooden box in my dining room overnight (nice and easy to find if anyone ever wants to rob me) and I take it to the bank the next day.
"Can I put £1000 into my account please?"
"Certainly sir."
Teller counts money in front of me.
"How much did you say sir?"
"I'm sorry sir, you've only given me £900."
"I think you'll find I actually gave you £1000." (Imagine full-on condescending manner here). "Why don't you count it again?"
Teller re-counts money in front of me and I notice she only counts £100 nine times.
"I'm sorry sir, it's definitely only £900, would you like to count it again yourself?"
"No, no, you're quite right, I just remembered I gave someone else £100 this morning..."
Absolutely no idea where the other £100 went; Mrs215 swears she didn't touch it, I certainly didn't give anyone else the missing £100 and I even counted it myself before putting it in my pocket; no way could they have done any kind of hoodwink-type-switcheroo on me!
Curiously, about three months later I saw the same bike advertised again on gumtree and sent a quick email asking how they had got on.
She replied with a gushing email about what a great time they had had, how the bike had run faultlessly but someone had pushed it over one night and damaged the fairings, but they were hoping to come back to Scotland again sometime.
There was just no way I could ask her about the other £100!

Long story short...
A guy bought my Alfasud unseen. Paid the asking price without haggling up front in advance. Said he would send a transporter to collect ASAP. Transporter came three months later. So for three months I had the car AND £4,000. And he had never met me.
I told this story to a previous regular of PH a few years ago. He completely trumped my tale. Had his Ferrari 328 up for sale for around £32,000. A chap rings up claiming to be the original owner. Again paid the asking price upfront having not seen the car or met the vendor. Said he was busy but would collect ASAP. Nearly twelve months before he came!!!
A guy bought my Alfasud unseen. Paid the asking price without haggling up front in advance. Said he would send a transporter to collect ASAP. Transporter came three months later. So for three months I had the car AND £4,000. And he had never met me.
I told this story to a previous regular of PH a few years ago. He completely trumped my tale. Had his Ferrari 328 up for sale for around £32,000. A chap rings up claiming to be the original owner. Again paid the asking price upfront having not seen the car or met the vendor. Said he was busy but would collect ASAP. Nearly twelve months before he came!!!
Rubin215 said:
Gosh, so many.
Selling an £800 motorbike on ebay and someone texts me offering me a pit-bull puppy. I reply thanks but no thanks.
He texts back telling me it's a great dog and if I train it right it will be worth up to £4000 as an adult.
I text back again; thanks but I really don't need a dog, if it's going to be worth so much why don't you train it yourself?
He texts back; he's keeping one from the litter but he's got 5 to sell and it really is an amazing dog, well worth the £800 I want for the bike.
I text back again; thanks but no thanks, I really don't want a dog, I wouldn't know how to train it, I'm just looking for cash.
He then phones me and starts threatening me; who the f
k am I dissing his dog, don't I know who I'm dealing with, he's going to come round and put my windows in, stab me in the face, set my s
tty motorbike on fire, f
k my mother etc.
I delete the advert...
Sold a different pocket-money bike to a charming German couple. Both students studying law in Glasgow, he's a police officer, she's training to be a lawyer, he has a bike, she wants one so they can tour Scotland over the summer before they go home.
Price is agreed, they count out the money in front of me and give it to me, I count it again and put it in my pocket before we do the V5.
The money goes in a wooden box in my dining room overnight (nice and easy to find if anyone ever wants to rob me) and I take it to the bank the next day.
"Can I put £1000 into my account please?"
"Certainly sir."
Teller counts money in front of me.
"How much did you say sir?"
"I'm sorry sir, you've only given me £900."
"I think you'll find I actually gave you £1000." (Imagine full-on condescending manner here). "Why don't you count it again?"
Teller re-counts money in front of me and I notice she only counts £100 nine times.
"I'm sorry sir, it's definitely only £900, would you like to count it again yourself?"
"No, no, you're quite right, I just remembered I gave someone else £100 this morning..."
Absolutely no idea where the other £100 went; Mrs215 swears she didn't touch it, I certainly didn't give anyone else the missing £100 and I even counted it myself before putting it in my pocket; no way could they have done any kind of hoodwink-type-switcheroo on me!
Curiously, about three months later I saw the same bike advertised again on gumtree and sent a quick email asking how they had got on.
She replied with a gushing email about what a great time they had had, how the bike had run faultlessly but someone had pushed it over one night and damaged the fairings, but they were hoping to come back to Scotland again sometime.
There was just no way I could ask her about the other £100!
Should have made a new email address and messaged asking how much she/they paid for the bike Selling an £800 motorbike on ebay and someone texts me offering me a pit-bull puppy. I reply thanks but no thanks.
He texts back telling me it's a great dog and if I train it right it will be worth up to £4000 as an adult.
I text back again; thanks but I really don't need a dog, if it's going to be worth so much why don't you train it yourself?
He texts back; he's keeping one from the litter but he's got 5 to sell and it really is an amazing dog, well worth the £800 I want for the bike.
I text back again; thanks but no thanks, I really don't want a dog, I wouldn't know how to train it, I'm just looking for cash.
He then phones me and starts threatening me; who the f

I delete the advert...
Sold a different pocket-money bike to a charming German couple. Both students studying law in Glasgow, he's a police officer, she's training to be a lawyer, he has a bike, she wants one so they can tour Scotland over the summer before they go home.
Price is agreed, they count out the money in front of me and give it to me, I count it again and put it in my pocket before we do the V5.
The money goes in a wooden box in my dining room overnight (nice and easy to find if anyone ever wants to rob me) and I take it to the bank the next day.
"Can I put £1000 into my account please?"
"Certainly sir."
Teller counts money in front of me.
"How much did you say sir?"
"I'm sorry sir, you've only given me £900."
"I think you'll find I actually gave you £1000." (Imagine full-on condescending manner here). "Why don't you count it again?"
Teller re-counts money in front of me and I notice she only counts £100 nine times.
"I'm sorry sir, it's definitely only £900, would you like to count it again yourself?"
"No, no, you're quite right, I just remembered I gave someone else £100 this morning..."
Absolutely no idea where the other £100 went; Mrs215 swears she didn't touch it, I certainly didn't give anyone else the missing £100 and I even counted it myself before putting it in my pocket; no way could they have done any kind of hoodwink-type-switcheroo on me!
Curiously, about three months later I saw the same bike advertised again on gumtree and sent a quick email asking how they had got on.
She replied with a gushing email about what a great time they had had, how the bike had run faultlessly but someone had pushed it over one night and damaged the fairings, but they were hoping to come back to Scotland again sometime.
There was just no way I could ask her about the other £100!

In advance sorry for the long sort of completely irrelevent post.
Can I be the other end of the stick and be the most strange buyer? More than once. Also bare in mind im 22 now so people would always be surprised to see a 18-21 year old turn up.
Won my shed of a Rolls on ebay after a last minute bid with no prior messages or anything. Fell asleep drunk that night so forgot to message him.
Next day sort of a "oh f
k" moment in my hungover head. Sent the guy a message asking if the following weekend works for him as I had no way to collect it before then. Surprisingly he said thats fine.
Its time to go collect it, trailer rented and car filled up, something like 800 mile round trip to do. I break down 100 miles into the trip, had to ring the guy and explain everything. Again he was totally fine with it, at this point he doesnt even have £1 off me.
Range Rover spat a glow plug out - easy to fix when home so im ready for the next weekend to go down again. This time I have to make a 100 mile detour to drop off a quadbike I had sold. All is going well, 350 miles down and the bikes dropped off.
The flex plate in the gearbox breaks. Leaving me with no drive in the middle of a village blocking the highstreet at the main traffic lights. Caused mayhem really as a co-op truck was trying to make a delivery opposite me. Rang my breakdown company and they said they will have someone out in an hour, I made sure to let them know I had a large car trailer with me.
What do they turn up in? A ford F-350 with a thirdwheel trailer. Useless really so had another hour wait for a flat bed to get me. The guys tacho will be up before he can get me near home. Bit of a disaster involving them giving me a courtesy car to get home in, 250 miles in a 1.2 Skoda without cruise control or a radio wasnt fun.
By now I had the guy again, explained whats happened and he still seemed fine with it all.
I had given up by this point so organised a local company to collect it. Just transfered the guy the entire amount without seeing the car or even knowing anything except what was in the small ebay ad. Think it was about 3-4 weeks from purchase to actually getting it off his drive.

Again I won a car on ebay that didnt work and was at the other end of the country. Messaged the man, said I will be there sometime in the morning (no idea of the day). Got in my car and drove 650 miles straight to Norfolk arriving at 5:30am. Had already let him know I will arrive at a stupid hour the night before when I had a satnav eta. Out he came the moment I arrived which was nice yet a pain as I hadnt slept yet.
Backed the trailer up as close to the hedge as I could (where the car lived) and had to manually winch the car out with 4 flat tyres onto the trailer. Paid him the money with no questions and just drove straight off into the morning, arrived back home that night absolutely shattered.
He must of thought I was mad as this is what I had just driven through the night to collect.

Will cut down on the time for these next two.
Won my Range Rover on ebay at 7pm, got in the car at 8pm with my mum and drove from Inverness to South Wales arriving at 6am. Slept in the car for a hour before the man was awake. Paid for the car and both drove straight home in tandem. Mum was a legend for this one.
Car did 25k mile with probably 15k of which towing a trailer/car. Here it is on one of its trips.

Doing its duties being loaded up inside with a 250l compressor, 4 17" wheels and a door. Really want another Range Rover...

Bought a 1987 Defender 90 van on ebay - again in norfolk. Arrived at 9pm, loaded up and left to drive straight back home. He wondered why I didnt look round the car much and was so keen to load up quickly, after I explained where I was driving too/from he offered to make me some dinner. Had to politely refuse as was in a rush to get back.
How it looked when I sold it.

Was on gumtree listed with all the usual "200sx nisaan pulsar" etc to grab clicks. It worked as I was looking for a 200sx first.
By this stage the car had been online for 3 weeks so figured I would low ball him and he said yes surprisingly.
Me and my best mate booked flights for the next day to London. Eventually getting to the address (tube is awful to figure out, been on it since a few times and still hate it. Same for the NYC subway) the car in sitting pre warmed up waiting. This is never good but we have come to far to go home empty handed. Being 18 neither of us can test drive it on our insurance. Pretty much took the gamble and gave him what we agreed to despite the extra faults we found as I figured it was cheap enough anyway.
Time to drive 600 miles home in a 1983 Datsun with 1 working headlight, 2 pretty much bald front tyres, brakes which sort of worked if you prayed, no power steering or any electronic aids (first time for me), a radio with 1 cd stuck on loop at a high volume which I was glad about as it had a straight through exhaust from front to bank which droned like f
k on long distance.
On the way back encountered a snow storm with bald tyres which wasnt so much fun. The car however once home was epic fun.

These are my best stories of me being a idiot when buying cars. hopefully it will continue for a long time yet.
Can I be the other end of the stick and be the most strange buyer? More than once. Also bare in mind im 22 now so people would always be surprised to see a 18-21 year old turn up.
Won my shed of a Rolls on ebay after a last minute bid with no prior messages or anything. Fell asleep drunk that night so forgot to message him.
Next day sort of a "oh f

Its time to go collect it, trailer rented and car filled up, something like 800 mile round trip to do. I break down 100 miles into the trip, had to ring the guy and explain everything. Again he was totally fine with it, at this point he doesnt even have £1 off me.
Range Rover spat a glow plug out - easy to fix when home so im ready for the next weekend to go down again. This time I have to make a 100 mile detour to drop off a quadbike I had sold. All is going well, 350 miles down and the bikes dropped off.
The flex plate in the gearbox breaks. Leaving me with no drive in the middle of a village blocking the highstreet at the main traffic lights. Caused mayhem really as a co-op truck was trying to make a delivery opposite me. Rang my breakdown company and they said they will have someone out in an hour, I made sure to let them know I had a large car trailer with me.
What do they turn up in? A ford F-350 with a thirdwheel trailer. Useless really so had another hour wait for a flat bed to get me. The guys tacho will be up before he can get me near home. Bit of a disaster involving them giving me a courtesy car to get home in, 250 miles in a 1.2 Skoda without cruise control or a radio wasnt fun.
By now I had the guy again, explained whats happened and he still seemed fine with it all.
I had given up by this point so organised a local company to collect it. Just transfered the guy the entire amount without seeing the car or even knowing anything except what was in the small ebay ad. Think it was about 3-4 weeks from purchase to actually getting it off his drive.

Again I won a car on ebay that didnt work and was at the other end of the country. Messaged the man, said I will be there sometime in the morning (no idea of the day). Got in my car and drove 650 miles straight to Norfolk arriving at 5:30am. Had already let him know I will arrive at a stupid hour the night before when I had a satnav eta. Out he came the moment I arrived which was nice yet a pain as I hadnt slept yet.
Backed the trailer up as close to the hedge as I could (where the car lived) and had to manually winch the car out with 4 flat tyres onto the trailer. Paid him the money with no questions and just drove straight off into the morning, arrived back home that night absolutely shattered.
He must of thought I was mad as this is what I had just driven through the night to collect.

Will cut down on the time for these next two.
Won my Range Rover on ebay at 7pm, got in the car at 8pm with my mum and drove from Inverness to South Wales arriving at 6am. Slept in the car for a hour before the man was awake. Paid for the car and both drove straight home in tandem. Mum was a legend for this one.
Car did 25k mile with probably 15k of which towing a trailer/car. Here it is on one of its trips.

Doing its duties being loaded up inside with a 250l compressor, 4 17" wheels and a door. Really want another Range Rover...

Bought a 1987 Defender 90 van on ebay - again in norfolk. Arrived at 9pm, loaded up and left to drive straight back home. He wondered why I didnt look round the car much and was so keen to load up quickly, after I explained where I was driving too/from he offered to make me some dinner. Had to politely refuse as was in a rush to get back.
How it looked when I sold it.

Was on gumtree listed with all the usual "200sx nisaan pulsar" etc to grab clicks. It worked as I was looking for a 200sx first.
By this stage the car had been online for 3 weeks so figured I would low ball him and he said yes surprisingly.
Me and my best mate booked flights for the next day to London. Eventually getting to the address (tube is awful to figure out, been on it since a few times and still hate it. Same for the NYC subway) the car in sitting pre warmed up waiting. This is never good but we have come to far to go home empty handed. Being 18 neither of us can test drive it on our insurance. Pretty much took the gamble and gave him what we agreed to despite the extra faults we found as I figured it was cheap enough anyway.
Time to drive 600 miles home in a 1983 Datsun with 1 working headlight, 2 pretty much bald front tyres, brakes which sort of worked if you prayed, no power steering or any electronic aids (first time for me), a radio with 1 cd stuck on loop at a high volume which I was glad about as it had a straight through exhaust from front to bank which droned like f

On the way back encountered a snow storm with bald tyres which wasnt so much fun. The car however once home was epic fun.

These are my best stories of me being a idiot when buying cars. hopefully it will continue for a long time yet.
Rubin215 said:
Gosh, so many.
Selling an £800 motorbike on ebay and someone texts me offering me a pit-bull puppy. I reply thanks but no thanks.
He texts back telling me it's a great dog and if I train it right it will be worth up to £4000 as an adult.
I text back again; thanks but I really don't need a dog, if it's going to be worth so much why don't you train it yourself?
He texts back; he's keeping one from the litter but he's got 5 to sell and it really is an amazing dog, well worth the £800 I want for the bike.
I text back again; thanks but no thanks, I really don't want a dog, I wouldn't know how to train it, I'm just looking for cash.
He then phones me and starts threatening me; who the f
k am I dissing his dog, don't I know who I'm dealing with, he's going to come round and put my windows in, stab me in the face, set my s
tty motorbike on fire, f
k my mother etc.
I delete the advert...
Sold a different pocket-money bike to a charming German couple. Both students studying law in Glasgow, he's a police officer, she's training to be a lawyer, he has a bike, she wants one so they can tour Scotland over the summer before they go home.
Price is agreed, they count out the money in front of me and give it to me, I count it again and put it in my pocket before we do the V5.
The money goes in a wooden box in my dining room overnight (nice and easy to find if anyone ever wants to rob me) and I take it to the bank the next day.
"Can I put £1000 into my account please?"
"Certainly sir."
Teller counts money in front of me.
"How much did you say sir?"
"I'm sorry sir, you've only given me £900."
"I think you'll find I actually gave you £1000." (Imagine full-on condescending manner here). "Why don't you count it again?"
Teller re-counts money in front of me and I notice she only counts £100 nine times.
"I'm sorry sir, it's definitely only £900, would you like to count it again yourself?"
"No, no, you're quite right, I just remembered I gave someone else £100 this morning..."
Absolutely no idea where the other £100 went; Mrs215 swears she didn't touch it, I certainly didn't give anyone else the missing £100 and I even counted it myself before putting it in my pocket; no way could they have done any kind of hoodwink-type-switcheroo on me!
Curiously, about three months later I saw the same bike advertised again on gumtree and sent a quick email asking how they had got on.
She replied with a gushing email about what a great time they had had, how the bike had run faultlessly but someone had pushed it over one night and damaged the fairings, but they were hoping to come back to Scotland again sometime.
There was just no way I could ask her about the other £100!
They scammed you.Selling an £800 motorbike on ebay and someone texts me offering me a pit-bull puppy. I reply thanks but no thanks.
He texts back telling me it's a great dog and if I train it right it will be worth up to £4000 as an adult.
I text back again; thanks but I really don't need a dog, if it's going to be worth so much why don't you train it yourself?
He texts back; he's keeping one from the litter but he's got 5 to sell and it really is an amazing dog, well worth the £800 I want for the bike.
I text back again; thanks but no thanks, I really don't want a dog, I wouldn't know how to train it, I'm just looking for cash.
He then phones me and starts threatening me; who the f

I delete the advert...
Sold a different pocket-money bike to a charming German couple. Both students studying law in Glasgow, he's a police officer, she's training to be a lawyer, he has a bike, she wants one so they can tour Scotland over the summer before they go home.
Price is agreed, they count out the money in front of me and give it to me, I count it again and put it in my pocket before we do the V5.
The money goes in a wooden box in my dining room overnight (nice and easy to find if anyone ever wants to rob me) and I take it to the bank the next day.
"Can I put £1000 into my account please?"
"Certainly sir."
Teller counts money in front of me.
"How much did you say sir?"
"I'm sorry sir, you've only given me £900."
"I think you'll find I actually gave you £1000." (Imagine full-on condescending manner here). "Why don't you count it again?"
Teller re-counts money in front of me and I notice she only counts £100 nine times.
"I'm sorry sir, it's definitely only £900, would you like to count it again yourself?"
"No, no, you're quite right, I just remembered I gave someone else £100 this morning..."
Absolutely no idea where the other £100 went; Mrs215 swears she didn't touch it, I certainly didn't give anyone else the missing £100 and I even counted it myself before putting it in my pocket; no way could they have done any kind of hoodwink-type-switcheroo on me!
Curiously, about three months later I saw the same bike advertised again on gumtree and sent a quick email asking how they had got on.
She replied with a gushing email about what a great time they had had, how the bike had run faultlessly but someone had pushed it over one night and damaged the fairings, but they were hoping to come back to Scotland again sometime.
There was just no way I could ask her about the other £100!

I used to know a south African bloke that could count out £100 in 20s in front of you, except it wasn't £100, it was £80.
No matter how slow I had him do the count, I could never see how he did the trick.
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